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Ecological intensification and the nitrogen economy of perennial cereal-legume intercrops

Apr 20, 2022 - 3:20 PM
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Crews poster

The Graduate Program and Sustainable Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, and the MFA Program in Creative Writing and Environment invite you to join us for:

"Ecological intensification and the nitrogen economy of perennial cereal-legume intercrops"


Dr. Tim Crews

Crews will provide a brief overview of recent progress in developing perennial grain crops through de novo domestication and wide hybridization. He will then use results from perennial cereal-legume intercrop studies to illustrate how ecological intensification presents promises and challenges in maintaining agroecosystem fertility over years. 

ecological intensification and the nitrogen economy


Tim Crews is the Chief Scientist and Director of the New Roots International Initiative at the Land Institute in Salina, Kansas.  He is broadly interested in what attributes of natural systems like grasslands or forests can be integrated into agroecosystems in order improve on agricultural sustainability through ecological intensification. He is currently focused on helping to facilitate the international expansion of research on perennial grain agriculture. Before coming to The Land Institute in September 2012, Tim was a Professor of Environmental Studies and Agroecology at Prescott College in Arizona for 18 years.  He was also a visiting researcher in Australia with CSIRO and with Rothamsted Research in the U.K.  Tim received his Ph.D. from Cornell University in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and was an Ecology post-doc fellow at Stanford University before taking his faculty position at Prescott.